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Full Cabinet

The following individuals constitute William Woods University's Full Cabinet and serve as liasons between the President's Office and the campus community. 

Romaine Seguin

Romaine Seguin

Acting President

Dr. Caroline Boyer

Caroline Boyer


Jessie Studer

Jessie Studer

Executive Assistant to the President and Provost

Ted Blashak

Ted Blashak

Chief Student Experience Officer

Montrice O'Neal

Montrice O'Neal

Vice President of Student Life

Charles Cansler

Charles Cansler

Vice President of Administration & CFO

Mike Dillon

Mike Dillon

Director of Physical Plant

John Fougere

John Fougere

Vice President of Media Relations

Andy Otto

Andy Otto

Vice President Enrollment Services

Jay Wilson

Jay Wilson

Vice President University Advancement

Casey Wieder

Casey Wieder

Interim Director of Intercollegiate Athletics