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Elective Details

Required Elective - 6 Credits

You may take any of the following courses to fulfill the requirements for Required Elective - 6 Credits

Minimum Required Hours: 6.00

Course # Course Title Credit Hours
COM 110 Writing for Multimedia 3.00
COM 150 Visual Communication & Design 3.00
COM 220 Logic and Persuasion -T 3.00
COM 251 Oral Interpretation of Literature 3.00
COM 303 Interpersonal Communication 3.00
COM 323 Gender Communications 3.00
THA 210 Dance Movement I -A 3.00
THA 211 Dance Movement II -A 3.00
THA 231 Makeup for Stage and Film 3.00
THA 232 Stage/Set Management 3.00
THA 354 Acting II: Scene Study 3.00
THA 363 Theatre History II 3.00
THA 454 Acting III: Period Style 3.00

Academic Catalog

This is the UNOFFICIAL Academic Catalog. This site is dynamic, subject to change and therefore may not always represent the offerings and curriculum of the latest or current academic year.

To view the official catalog for a specific academic year, please see the Official Catalogs link.

For questions regarding the curriculum for a specific academic year please contact your Academic Advisor.