Q: What is your policy?
- At the postsecondary level, students are required to self-identify as a person with a disability and make a request for an accommodation to the University. Once a request has been made, the University will engage in an interactive process with the student to determine what, if any, reasonable accommodations are available.
- A student requesting an accommodation based on a disability must have a disability covered by law and be qualified with or without reasonable accommodation. The University is only obligated to provide reasonable accommodations, and it not required to fundamentally alter its programs to accommodate a student. Thus, not all accommodation requests will necessarily be granted.
- Accommodation requests and supporting documentation are reviewed on an individualized, case-by-case basis. As such, approved accommodations may vary from person to person and from environment to environment for students with the same disability diagnosis. Documentation of a specific disability does not translate directly into specific accommodations.
- During the interactive process, appropriate University officials may be consulted to determine the appropriateness of requested accommodations and how best to implement certain accommodations.
Q: What type of accommodations are there?
Some common accommodation requests include: testing services (including extended time on exams and/or reduced distraction rooms), reader, auxiliary aids, braille materials, recording lectures, note taker, magnified text, and specific classroom seating. This list is not exhaustive and students should feel free to request other accommodations for consideration by the University.
Q: When do I have to submit my accommodations request form?
The University encourages the timely request of accommodations prior to the start of a school term because the documentation and determination process may take some time. However, accommodation requests can be made and will be accepted and considered at any time. Do note, though, that granted accommodations are not effective retroactively so that students will not be able to re-do assignments or re-take exams with accommodations that they originally took before they asked for and received accommodations.
Q: What type of documentation do I need?
This may vary depending on the circumstances but should generally include (1) a description of the qualified professional's credentials, (2) a description of disability-related impairments as they relate to the student's ability to learn and participate in the academic program, (3) a description of any tests, assessments, facts, observations, records, other materials, and/or evaluations that the professional relied on in arriving at their specific diagnosis, and (4) a list of accommodations which the professional believes would allow the student to fully and equally participate in their educational program and how the professional expects the suggested accommodations to help the student.
- Note that specific accommodations being recommended by a professional do not guarantee that those accommodations will be granted and the University may provide alternative accommodations instead.
- While documentation of past accommodation history is important and will be considered, it is not decisive as to what accommodations will be granted by the University.
- The University reserves the right to request additional documentation if the initial documentation does not provide sufficient information.
Q: How old can my documentation be?
The third-party documentation from a licensed professional should not be more than five years old, and preferably only a year.
Q: What is an Accomodation Letter?
The Accomodation Letter is the term we use for the document that the student shows and discusses with their professors at the start of each semester. It lists what accommodations the student is approved for and is different for each individual. Accomodation Letters are kept by the student and are the student’s responsibility to maintain on their person.
Q: How long is the Accomodation Letter good for?
An Accomodation Letter is valid for one academic school year. It will need to be reviewed each year.
Q: How will I receive my Accomodation Letter?
Accomodation Letters will be made available through email as a PDF.