Campus Safety
This page is the official William Woods emergency alert website.
If you have received a text and/or email alert message recently and are seeking additional detail, we are currently in the process of obtaining accurate information from first responders, which typically takes some time to confirm. Continue to take appropriate precautions, which may include maintaining awareness of your personal surroundings, locking your doors or going to a safe place. As more information becomes available or is confirmed, additional texts or emails, with further instructions, will be sent.
To help us avoid overloaded phone systems, please do not contact WWU Campus Safety as they are working hard to confirm facts and maintain the safety and security of the campus.
Students, please contact your parents as soon as possible to assure them that you are safe. Please do not distribute unconfirmed information, or post rumors, on social media.
The safety of our entire campus community, including students, faculty and staff, is a top priority at William Woods. We are committed to ensuring that our campus remains safe while information is obtained and confirmed. Thank you.
Report Discrimination, Harassment, or Sexual Violence
Members of the University community may report violations, including any alleged discrimination, harassment, or sexual violence, to:
Michelle Maupin
Title IX Coordinator
Director of Human Resources
William Woods University
Academic Building, Room 101
Fulton, MO 65251
Alternatively, confidential reports can be made using the Reporting Form (Discrimination, Harassment, Sexual misconduct, ADA, Diversity, Equity and Inclusion concerns).