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English - 39 Credits 2223 Catalog

**Students are required to have 122 distinct credits for graduation**

Bachelor of Arts degree programs require a minor and a year of a foreign language.
Foreign Language:

Required Courses: 12.00 credits

Course Course Title Credit Semester Completed Grade Earned Substitutions
ENG 218 Introduction to Creative Writing -X 3.00
ENG 280 Introduction to Literature -Q 3.00
ENG 414 Shakespeare 3.00
ENG 440 Humanities Senior Seminar 3.00

Required Electives: 3.00 - 18.00 credits

Course Hours Semester Completed Grade Earned Substitutions
Required English Electives - 18 Credits (Must complete at least 3 Introductory Film Credits and at least 3 Upper Level Film Credits) 18.00
ENG 200 Introductory Projects 3.00
ENG 234 Shakespeare and the Devil -Q 3.00
ENG 238 American Literature I -Q 3.00
ENG 239 American Literature II-Q 3.00
ENG 300 Independent Study 3.00
ENG 319 History of the English Language 3.00
ENG 328 Theory and Criticism of Literature 3.00
ENG 400 Advanced Projects 3.00
ENG 412 Compositn for Prospective Teachers 3.00
ENG 418 Methods of Teaching 3.00
ENG 451 ENG Internship II 3.00
Elective Notes:
A course may not count for both elective and core credit.
Upper Level Film Elective - 3 Credits 3.00
ENG 316 Special Topics in Film 3.00
ENG 327 Film Theory and Criticism 3.00
Elective Notes:
Introductory Film Elective - 3 Credits 3.00
ENG 210 Introduction to Film Studies -Q 3.00
ENG 215 Film Genres -Q 3.00
Elective Notes:

Division Chair:Date:
Substitutions to the coursework above requires the signature of the division chair.