Semester Completed
Grade Earned
Applied or Practicum Electives - 9 Credits (must complete at least 5 Applied Riding Credits)
Elective Notes:
Equestrian General Elective - 6 Credits
EQS 205 Survey of Saddle Seat Training Meth |
1.00 |
EQS 212 Theory of Teaching Techniques I |
3.00 |
EQS 304 Theory Equine Behav & Train Methods |
3.00 |
EQS 320 Origins of Modern Riding |
3.00 |
EQS 328 Equine Evaluation |
3.00 |
EQS 330 Dressage Issues |
2.00 |
EQS 331 Hunter/Jumper Issues |
2.00 |
EQS 332 Saddle Seat Issues |
2.00 |
EQS 333 History of Breeds and Bloodlines |
3.00 |
EQS 335 Western Issues |
2.00 |
EQS 376 Equine Anatomy and Physiology |
3.00 |
EQS 380 Bits and Bridles: History, mechanics and regulations |
3.00 |
EQS 404 Veterinary Medicine & Reproduction |
3.00 |
EQU 200 Introductory Projects |
3.00 |
EQU 211 Survey of Equine-Assisted Services |
3.00 |
EQU 327 Conflicts & Contrvs Equine Indstry |
3.00 |
Elective Notes:
Applied or Practicum Electives
EQS 208 Survey of Groundwork Techniques |
2.00 |
EQS 209 Survey of Groundwork Techniques Lab |
0.00 |
EQS 230 Teaching Techniques II-Dressage |
2.00 |
EQS 231 Teaching Techniques II-Hunter/Jumpr |
2.00 |
EQS 232 Teaching Techniques II-Saddle Seat |
2.00 |
EQS 235 Teaching Techniques II-Western |
2.00 |
EQS 306 Practical Equine Anatomy & Conditng |
3.00 |
EQS 311 Tack Construction & Repair |
1.00 |
EQS 340 Teaching Techniques III-Dressage |
2.00 |
EQS 341 Teaching Techniques III-Hunter/Jump |
2.00 |
EQS 342 Teaching Techniques III-Saddle Seat |
2.00 |
EQS 345 Teaching Techniques III-Western |
2.00 |
EQS 351 Teaching Techniques IV-Dressage |
2.00 |
EQS 352 Teaching Techniques IV-Hunter/Jumpr |
2.00 |
EQS 353 Teaching Techniques IV-Saddle Seat |
2.00 |
EQS 355 Teaching Techniques IV-Western |
2.00 |
EQS 412 Advanced Teaching Practicum |
2.00 |
EQS 416 Veterinary Techniques Practicum |
3.00 |
EQS 417 Veterinary Techniques Practicum Lab |
0.00 |
EQU 401 EQS Supervision and Leadership |
2.00 |
EQU 410 Applied Digital Media for the Equine Industry |
3.00 |
Elective Notes:
Applied Riding Electives - 5 Credits
EQR 101 Fundamentals of Horsemanship I |
1.00 |
EQR 102 Fundamentals of Horsemanship II |
1.00 |
EQR 111 Introduction to Forward Seat |
1.00 |
EQR 112 Introduction to Saddle Seat |
1.00 |
EQR 120 Fundamentals of Dressage |
1.00 |
EQR 121 Fundamentals of Hunt Seat |
1.00 |
EQR 122 Fundamentals of Saddle Seat |
1.00 |
EQR 125 Fundamentals of Western Seat |
1.00 |
EQR 200 Introductory Project |
1.00 |
EQR 214 Longlining & Driving |
1.00 |
EQR 220 Intermediate Dressage |
1.00 |
EQR 221 Intermediate Hunt Seat |
1.00 |
EQR 222 Intermediate Saddle Seat |
1.00 |
EQR 225 Intermediate Western |
1.00 |
EQR 226 Hunter Under Saddle |
1.00 |
EQR 320 Intermediate/Advanced Dressage |
1.00 |
EQR 321 Intermediate/Advanced Hunt Seat |
1.00 |
EQR 322 Intermediate/Advanced Saddle Seat |
1.00 |
EQR 325 Intermediate/Advanced Western Seat |
1.00 |
EQR 327 Intermediate Jumper |
1.00 |
EQR 400 Advanced Projects |
1.00 |
EQR 420 Advanced Dressage |
1.00 |
EQR 421 Advanced Hunt Seat |
1.00 |
EQR 422 Advanced Saddle Seat |
1.00 |
EQR 425 Advanced Western |
1.00 |
EQR 427 Advanced Jumper |
1.00 |
Elective Notes: