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Social Work - 48 Credits 2223 Catalog

**Students are required to have 122 distinct credits for graduation**

Required Courses: 42.00 credits

Course Course Title Credit Semester Completed Grade Earned Substitutions
PSY 313 Statistics for the Social Sciences 3.00
SWK 215 Introduction to Social Work 3.00
SWK 230 Interaction Skills 3.00
SWK 312 Social Work Practice with Individuals and Families 3.00
SWK 313 Research Methods 3.00
SWK 314 Social Work Practice with Groups 3.00
SWK 315 Community & Organizational Development 3.00
SWK 316 Human Behavior in the Social Environment I 3.00
SWK 317 Human Behavior in the Social Environment II 3.00
SWK 338 Social Welfare Policy 3.00
SWK 450 Senior Field Practicum I 4.00
SWK 451 Senior Field Practicum II 4.00
SWK 452 Senior Field Seminar 2.00
SWK 453 Senior Capstone Seminar 2.00

Required Electives: 3.00 - 6.00 credits

Course Hours Semester Completed Grade Earned Substitutions
SWK Elective - 6 Credits 6.00
SWK 203 Aging in America - A New Genertn 3.00
SWK 273 Crime Victimization in America 3.00
SWK 304 Domestic Violence Theories & Interv 3.00
SWK 322 Addictive Behaviors & Substan Abuse 3.00
SWK 340 Child Abuse and Neglect 3.00
SWK 374 Mental Health Services and Policies 3.00
SWK 406 Working with Juvenile Offenders 3.00
Elective Notes:
SWK Required General Education Courses - 6 Credits (must complete PSY101 or PSY102) 6.00
Elective Notes:
SWK Required General Education Electives - 3 Credits 3.00
ECN 251 Macroeconomics -Q 3.00
ECN 252 Microeconomics -Q 3.00
PSY 221 Educational Psychology -Q 3.00
PSY 226 Child and Adolescent Development 3.00
PSY 285 Psychology of Personality -U 3.00
Elective Notes:
SWK Required General Education Elective: General Psychology - 3 Credits 3.00
PSY 101 General Psychology I -U 3.00
PSY 102 General Psychology II -Q 3.00
Elective Notes:

Division Chair:Date:
Substitutions to the coursework above requires the signature of the division chair.