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Undergraduate Programs

undergraduate programs.

Knowledge is only the beginning.

Business. Education. Fine arts. Science. Sports. We have designed our courses of study not just to prepare you for a career, but to prepare you for life in a world that is dynamic, global and rich in possibilities. It is a world where you will need the tools to make decisions, to make your own way, and to continue learning throughout your life. It is our mission to make sure that your William Woods University education includes these skills in addition to the knowledge you gain from your coursework.

Whichever path you choose, you will find that your classroom learning is complemented and fulfilled by what you learn through campus activities and through the local, regional, and international communities you encounter while you are here.

The experience will challenge you at times. Our standards are high. But so is our commitment to walk with you every step of the way, until your goals are achieved.


Bachelor's Degree

Bachelor's Degree Day Evening Online
Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA) in Art X
Bachelor of Arts (BA) in Art X
Online Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA) in Digital Filmmaking X
Bachelor of Arts (BA) in Music x
Bachelor of Arts (BA) in Music  - Vocal Performance Concentration x


Minors Day Evening Online
Minor in Art X
Minor in Art Therapy X
Minor in Music X
Minor in Theatre X


Bachelor's Degree

Bachelor's Degree Day Evening Online
Bachelor of Arts in Interpretation Studies in ASL-English X
Bachelor of Science in Interpretation Studies in ASL-English X
Online Bachelor of Science in Interpretation Studies in ASL-English X


Minors Day Evening Online
Minor in American Sign Language X


Bachelor's Degree

Bachelor's Degree Day Evening Online
Bachelor of Science in Accounting X
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration X X
Bachelor of Science in Computer Information Systems X
Bachelor of Science (BS) in Cybersecurity X
Online Bachelor of Science (BS) in Cybersecurity X
Bachelor of Science (BS) in Management and Leadership X
Bachelor of Science (BS) in Sport Management X
Online Bachelor of Science (BS) in Management and Leadership X
Online Bachelor of Applied Science (BAS) in Management X


Minors Day Evening Online
Minor in Accounting X
Minor in Business Administration X X X
Minor in Management Information Systems X


Bachelor's Degree

Bachelor's Degree Day Evening Online
Bachelor of Science in Communication X


Minors Day Evening Online
Minor in Communication X


Associate's Degree

Bachelor's Degree Day Evening Online
Online Associate of Science in Education Foundations X

Bachelor's Degree

Bachelor's Degree Day Evening Online
Bachelor of Science in Elementary Education X
Bachelor of Science in Middle-Level Education X
Secondary Education Degrees X
Bachelor of Science in Educational Studies X
Bachelor of Science in Education with Special Education Certification X
Online Bachelor of Science in Education Foundations X


Minors Day Evening Online
Minor in Education X


Bachelor's Degree

Bachelor's Degree Day Evening Online
Bachelor of Science in Equestrian Science X
Bachelor of Science in Equine Administration X
Bachelor of Science in Equine General Studies X


Minors Day Evening Online
Minor in Equestrian Science X
Minor in Equine Administration X

Exercise and Sports Science

Bachelor's Degree

Bachelor's Degree Day Evening Online
Bachelor of Science in Exercise Science X


Minors Day Evening Online
Minor in Coaching X
Minor in Exercise Science X
Minor in Sports Management X


Bachelor's Degree

Bachelor's Degree Day Evening Online
Bachelor of Arts in English X
Bachelor of Social Work X
Bachelor of Arts in Interdisciplinary Studies X
Bachelor of Science in Interdisciplinary Studies X


Minors Day Evening Online
Minor in English X
Minor in History X
Minor in Spanish X
Minor in Social Work X

Legal Studies

Bachelor's Degree

Bachelor's Degree Day Evening Online
Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice X
Bachelor of Arts in Political/Legal Studies X
Online Bachelor of Arts in Legal Studies X


Minors Day Evening Online
Minor in Criminal Justice X
Minor in Juvenile Justice X
Minor in Political/Legal Studies X


Bachelor's Degree

Bachelor's Degree Day Evening Online
Bachelor of Arts in Biology X
Bachelor of Science in Biology X
Bachelor of Arts in Psychology X


Minors Day Evening Online
Minor in Biology X
Minor in Chemistry X
Minor in Mathematics X
Minor in Physics X
Minor in Psychology X

Associate Degrees

Associate Degree

Associate Degree Day Evening Online
Associate of Arts in Liberal Arts X
Associate of Arts in Leadership X X

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