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- Online Bachelor of Science (BS) in Cybersecurity
Online Bachelor of Science (BS) in Cybersecurity

Stand on the frontlines of information security
As the number of cyberattacks have grown in frequency, government organizations, financial institutions, healthcare organizations and corporations in all industries understand the importance of professionals who will keep their confidential information, private records and their overall information secure.
The William Woods University Online Bachelor of Science in Cybersecurity degree program is designed to prepare a generation of students to enter the workforce equipped to create innovative solutions to protect information in the face of hackers and growing cybersecurity threats. Through your study you will gain a wide range of experience and a deep understanding of the cybersecurity field as you take courses in areas such as cybersecurity, systems analysis, cybercrime and information warfare, encryption techniques and more.
“Cybersecurity is a here-to-stay career field,” said Paul Frazier, Online Bachelor of Science in Cybersecurity manager at William Woods. “The career paths open to you are numerous, from being the Cyber Guru who tests systems for security flaws to the Chief Information Security Officer at a major corporation, and everything in between. We are excited to help you explore the possibilities of this fascinating, rewarding career at William Woods.”
This program will provide you with knowledge in the specialty areas needed to complete the CompTIA Security-Plus (Security+) cyber certification examination(s), covering network security, compliance and operational security, threats and vulnerabilities, application, data and host security, access control and identity management and finally, cryptography. Classes are small and our instructors are hand-picked professionals in their career fields.
Special opportunities:
- Gain hands-on experience working in our cybersecurity lab applying your knowledge in areas such as cyber-attacks and defenses, cloud security, and cybercrime and information warfare.
- Learn from faculty who are experts in the field of cybersecurity and have extensive background experience working in both industry and government.
- Intern with a local organization and gain real world experience putting the cybersecurity theories and applications you’ve learned in the classroom to the test.
- Work under the supervision of experienced faculty as you complete an independent study, applying your learnings to a research project relevant to the field of cybersecurity.
- Benefit from the flexibility of classes that fit your schedule and support 24/7 for online learning students.
Your cybersecurity degree at work
Bachelor in cybersecurity graduates will be prepared for demanding positions in public and private sectors overseeing, operating, or protecting critical computer systems, information, networks, infrastructures and communications networks. These graduates typically pursue careers as information security analysts particularly in the banking and financial industry, healthcare industry, governmental organizations and within the military.
Students who choose to pursue a graduate degree following their bachelor in cybersecurity are well positioned to pursue graduate degrees such as a MS in Cybersecurity or a MA in Information Technology Management.
The Cybersecurity Program prepares students for information security roles through a variety of methods such as experiential opportunities using virtual labs to learn technical skills, developing presentations for a variety of audiences, and project-based activities to demonstrate competencies that will be utilized when they enter the industry.
— Nina McKee, Instructor of Cybersecurity
The Bachelor of Science in Cybersecurity degree at William Woods University consists of 124 distinct credit hours for graduation — including 57 core major credits and a capstone component.
Courses you may take
CMJ 385 - Digital Evidence and Forensic Investigations - 3.00
This course will examine digital forensics as it relates to both civil and criminal investigations. Topics include best practices in securing, processing, acquiring, examining and reporting on digital evidence as well as an examination of software programs such as Encase™, which is often used in digital investigations.
CMJ 440 - Cybercrime and Information Warfare - 3.00
Issues addressed in this course include descriptions of the types of crimes and terrorist acts committed using computer technology, theories addressing hackers and other types of digital criminals, an overview of the legal strategies and tactics targeting this type of crime, and in-depth coverage of investigating and researching digital crime, digital terrorism, and information warfare. Additionally, upon completion of the course, students should find themselves better prepared for further study into the growing problems of crime, terrorism and information warfare being committed using computer technology.
CMJ 447 - Information Security - 3.00
This purpose of this course is to introduce the student to the various ways in which individuals and corporations can secure their information resources. This course will cover physical and architectural methods as well as examine legal, ethical and privacy issues (national and international context) along with practical applications related to the development of effective information security measures intended to mitigate current and emerging threats and vulnerabilities.
CSS 210 - Introduction to Cybersecurity - 3.00
This course will focus on the fundamental principles of information security management from a systems perspective. While other courses will provide the deep dive into specific areas of security, this course will serve as an exploration into the varying principles of systems-level information security management that are employed to achieve secure solutions.
CSS 310 - Cybersecurity Law & Ethics - 3.00
The laws and policies dealing with cybercrime, cyber warfare and privacy will be explored and analyzed. Ethics in cybersecurity will also be reviewed with a focus on international perspectives. Prerequisites: CSS 210 and MIS 250
CSS 324 - Cybersecurity & Internet Architecture - 3.00
The application, physical, link, and transport layers of the protocol stack are presented. Students will study technologies, processes and practices designed to protect networks, computers, programs, and data from attacks. Cybersecurity issues such as malware (worms, phishing, Trojans, and viruses) and other vulnerabilities will be presented. Prerequisites: CSS 210 and MIS 250
CSS 325 - Cyber Attacks and Defenses - 3.00
The course provides students with insight on common cyber-attacks and the techniques for identifying, detecting and defending against cybersecurity threats. The course will cover firewalls, intrusion detection/prevention, authentication, ciphers, cryptography, etc. The course presents emerging technologies such as virtualization, Cloud computing, and multimedia protocols. This course also discusses critical infrastructures and how to protect them. Prerequisites: CSS324
CSS 401 - Encryption Techniques - 3.00
The course will provide a broad overview of the concepts, fundamental ideas, vocabulary, and literature central to the study and development of cryptography and cryptanalysis. This course will explore the historical development of cryptography, as well as methods used to defeat it. In addition, the course will cover the mathematical foundations of cryptography today, as well as some current uses of such cryptography, such as public key infrastructures, the Internet Key Exchange protocol, and more. Prerequisites: CSS210 and MIS250
CSS 410 - Social Engineering - 3.00
This course provides students with the background and use of Social Engineering as a technique used to trick an individual into giving up sensitive information that can be used in a criminal activity. The course looks into what is targeted information, how e-mails, voice messages, or even in person visits masquerade as a legitimate, trusted source. Prerequisites: CSS 210 and MIS 250
CSS 420 - Critical Infrastructures - 3.00
Critical infrastructures provide essential services that underpin our society. Whether physical or virtual, these infrastructures are vital to protect society, the economy and public health and safety. In this course, students will examine critical infrastructures identified by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) as vital to the United States and explore ways to manage risk and enhance security in these areas. Prerequisites: CSS 210 and MIS 250
CSS 440 - Cloud Security - 3.00
In this course, students will learn what Cloud Computing, storage is, and how to protect data and information stored via the Cloud. Prerequisites: CSS 210 and MIS 250
CSS 490 - Cybersecurity Capstone - 3.00
In this course, students are expected to synthesize and integrate the learning experiences acquired throughout the BS in Cybersecurity program. They will be expected to evaluate current and future topics relevant to this major. Prerequisites: Senior standing in the Cybersecurity program.
MIS 100 - Cloud Computing - 3.00
Through digital collaboration, this course will introduce the student to Web 2.0 tools by integrating and utilizing these tools in a business settings. Students will examine the theory of online business, simulations and other pedagogical implications while considering the social, interpersonal, cultural and technical implications of Web 2.0 in a business sense. (Students will be required to have Webcam & mic/headset)
MIS 225 - Database Management Systems - 3.00
This course prepares student to develop application programs in the database environment. Models of data, data structure and file organization are covered.
MIS 250 - Networking - 3.00
The features of centralized, decentralized, and distributed systems are explored. Special emphasis placed on LAN (Local Area Network) technologies.
MIS 350 - Project Management - 3.00
This course is an examination of the knowledge sets, skills, tools and techniques of project management, with an emphasis on how project management contributes to the strategic goals of the organization. The course focuses on the role of information technology as an integration tool in project management. Topics: Microsoft project, work breakdown, structure development, resource scheduling, developing a project network, project organization, time management, and performance measurement and evaluation. The course also examines the managerial competencies required to organize and lead a project.
MIS 425 - Enterprise Systems - 3.00
This course analyzes and assesses the managerial applications of Internet technology for a successful Web-based competitive organization. The application of management principles to business-to-consumer, business-to-business, and intra-business commercial ventures are examined. Topics: Electronic business models; the forces driving the widespread implementation of EC; the critical success factors for on-line retailing; proactive strategies for EC operations; on-line consumer trends and behaviors; web advertising and promotion strategies; EC and service industries; business-to-business electronic commerce models; electronic payment systems; EC strategy implementation; and environments that impact electronic commerce.
MIS 450 - Systems Analysis - 3.00
The Systems Analysis course is a study of the methods for structured analysis and design of Information Systems. Topics include data definition, flow charting, data flows and more.
Your digital classroom. Available anywhere.
William Woods online undergraduate programs are available to students across the country. In Missouri, our students come from Fulton, Columbia, Jefferson City, St. Louis, Kansas City, Moberly, Springfield, Ozark, Cape Girardeau, Rolla and many more locations. Beyond Missouri, our online graduates hail from California, Illinois, Kansas, Washington, Arkansas and other states.
Admissions Information
Learn more about online admissions requirements, deadlines, tuition and financial aid available to you.
Other Programs:
Minor in Cybersecurity Studies